Coordination, evaluation and dissemination
Coordination: Actions undertaken to manage the project and to make sure it is implemented as planned.
The coordination and day to day follow-up of the scientific, administrative and financial aspects of BRIDGE Health is done by the WIV-ISP. The management includes regular assessment, planning future work and reporting to the relevant bodies. The coordinator also has the task to facilitate the interaction between the WP leaders. The WP leaders are brought together around generic transversal objectives through working groups for which the progression is overseen by the coordinator.
Evaluation: Actions undertaken to verify if the project is implemented as planned and reaches the objectives.
To ensure the progress of BRIDGE Health and perform its mandatory internal evaluation, a Follow-up Committee is established bringing together stakeholders from MS, a representative of the Belgian Ministry of Public Health and of the Ministry of Research and an academic evaluator from a Belgian university. This committee will meet 3 times in Brussels during the 30 months duration of the project.
Dissemination: Actions undertaken to ensure that the results and deliverables of the project will be made available to the target groups.
The overall strategy of BRIDGE Health is to disseminate high quality information on Health Information development throughout Europe through a wide range of means including a project website, a set of dedicated linked websites, adhoc technical reports, country profiles, scientific papers and presentation to European conferences. The work package, led by INSERM is linked to all the specific objectives and will co-ordinate the dissemination of the results of BRIDGE Health.
The main contributers to this research field are: