Environmental chemicals and health

Impact of environmental chemicals on health.

This work package aims at promoting the use of environmental health surveillance in European health information and will contribute to sustainable and integrated EU health information regarding environmental determinants of ill-health.

It builds on the work done in the European Commission FP7 funded research projects COPHES (Consortium to Perform Human Biomonitoring on a European Scale)  that established a first European wide protocol for human biomonitoring (HBM) and of ENRIECO (Environmental Health Risk in European Birth Cohorts)  that established a network of European birth cohorts for environmental health research.

Key objectives of the work package are

  • to maintain and intensify exchange within and between COPHES and ENRIECO networks,
  • to further develop a strategy for harmonizing and bridging data collections from monitoring and research projects and for setting priorities in collaborative data elaboration for health information,
  • and to strengthen research to policy and practice interface to promote the use of environmental health surveillance in European health information.

Within Bridge Health, the work package will explore synergies with other work packages. Outside the consortium, the work package will search exchange with related political and scientific European initiatives as well as with national monitoring programmes.

To meet our objectives we will perform the following tasks:

  • organization of regular e-exchange, stakeholder feedback, meetings, up-date of expert lists.
  • analysis of the status quo in environmental exposure assessment and environmental health surveillance including a gap analysis in the light of policy and infrastructural needs and an assessment of options on how to better integrate existing methods and data sources.
  • elaboration of a blueprint for long-term integration of environmental health surveillance in European health information and health policies.

The main contributers to this research field are: